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Scale Studies 12/12/2021

There are a couple of ways to look at this study. One is to take a pair of strings and work your way as far up the neck as you're comfortable (then a bit further) before coming back down, and the other is to put the join in between adjacent pairs (as is written here). I'd suggest if you're new to this, to take one pair of strings and get them comfortable before joining pairs together.

As studies go this is fairly simple, at least in theory. Its aim is to allow easy shifting between related chords in a given key. Given enough time to practice, these changes will become second nature. For (hopefully) obvious reasons this exercise can be transposed around the different key signatures. However, due to lack of space and the time required in essence to duplicate what is already written here, I will leave that process to whoever wants to take it on.

There are other variations on this which I shall add in time.



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