Scale Studies 10/12/2021
There's a phrase that's been around for as long as the hills, which is that if you want to get good at something you need to Repeat, Repeat, Repeat.
It's not far removed from the 10,000 hours rule which, let's face it, requires a certain amount of repetition to fulfill.
With exercises, especially scale exercises, it's an easy jump that creates change through repetition. As you'll see from the exercises below, notes are changed by increments. I could have included more increments but for lack of space. Besides, there's nothing to stop the reader from extending the exercises or taking them off in other directiions if they of a mind to.
I started with a one bar phrase, repeated, and changed one note, bringing it down the scale. I then began again but changed a different note, for each of the four sections. The first section is the most extensive. You can change an alternative note if you wish.
