Practice Notes 29/12/2021
It's been a couple of weeks since I put these notes together, so unfortunately I've forgotten what they were specifically to work on. I'd...

Practice Notes - 26/12/2021
Some tunes are more involved than they first look. I find I need to look at the micro changes so that the sum becomes playable. Such a...

Scale Studies 12/12/2021
There are a couple of ways to look at this study. One is to take a pair of strings and work your way as far up the neck as you're...

Scale Studies 11/12/2021
If there's one thing that guitarists and singers are good at, it's changing the key of a song. If there's one thing that has the...

Scale Studies 10/12/2021
There's a phrase that's been around for as long as the hills, which is that if you want to get good at something you need to Repeat,...

Scale Studies 09/12/2021
I found this riff while jamming to a backing track. I tend to play the riff swung, but can be played straight. The exercises from the...

Scale Studies 08/12/2021
Loosely based on a bit from the prelude of Bach's cello suite #6 where the piece goes from quavers to semi quavers.

Scale Studies 07/12/2021
More up the scale and down the scale, but this time there are some double stop exercises mixed in. The idea is to move fingers only when...

Scale exercises 06/12/2021
First in a series of Scale exercises I'll be publishing - originally for violin but can be adapted to any instrument This exercise...